


At the STIN Group, within the field of industrial construction, we dedicate ourselves to non-mechanical services basing our activity on HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment, Quality), Engineering, Planning and Control.

We intervene in the entire life cycle of the industrial plant, from the construction project to its maintenance.



Integrated services: With the aim of satisfying the demands and peculiarities that the industrial sector places on scaffolding suppliers and installers, backed by our experience and always with the utmost safety and quality procedures.

+ Engineering: Design, planning and control.

+ Assembly and Disassembly: Material and people.

+ Rent: Use of mounted material.

+ Logistics: Ability to mobilise material and people.

+ Safety: Safety in the assembly and use of our material.


Integrated services: The assembly of insulation techniques ensures that our customers’ industrial production processes are carried out under safe and energy-efficient conditions.

+ Purchase: Procurement of Materials
+ Manufacturing: Manufacture of parts and elements
+ Assembly: On-site assembly service of the processed material.
+ Warranty.
+ Engineering: Advance study and calculation to speed up deadlines.


Servicios integrales: Aplicación de tratamientos superficiales de limpieza y decapaje, para posterior aplicación de pintura para proteger las diferentes estructuras de la corrosión.

Nuestros colaboradores: AZKO NOBEL | JOTUM | PPG


At STIN Group, we define ourselves as a safe partner to do business with.

We generate value through our relationships with customers and suppliers, basing our long-term relationships on mutual trust.

Working with transparency and professionalism, prioritising the design of our services and their scope, with the aim of generating confidence in our customers.

We involve our suppliers in the definition of our services and in the generation of our projects.

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